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Agreed Value/Replacement Cost Appraisal Reports


So, you found your dream car, in a field, under a tree, buried in 20 years of leaves, sticks, dirt, and mother nature. You spend the next 5 years welding in new panels, searching every swap meet and online auction you can for the last few pieces of trim and moldings, painstakingly reassembling the mounds of parts that have accumulated on the shop floor. But now the day is here, you fire her up and head out on the maiden voyage to the local Cruise In to show off the years and money spent getting this ole’ girl back to her former glory. Then the unthinkable happens, you get T-Boned going through the last intersection before the Car Show. After the dust is settled and the wounds are tended to, the biggest wound of all is apparent, your checkbook. Did you have the correct coverage? Will the insurance company understand the time and money invested, much less the blood, sweat, and tears??

Don’t gamble with your investment, make sure you have a Certified Agreed Value Appraisal on file with your insurance company. Who needs an Agreed Value/Replacement Appraisal?

- Classic Cars/Trucks

- Custom Cars/Trucks

- Custom Motorcycles

- Lifted Trucks/Show Trucks

- Custom ATVs & RVs

- Custom Watercraft

- Extensive Audio/Video Systems installed

Where can you get more information on an Agreed Value Appraisal? Contact us for a FREE Consult. 833-888-VALU(8258)

Written by: Jim Berger Licensed Independent Adjuster & Appraiser Florida License #W694344 Certified Auto Appraiser ASCAA #10952837

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FL State License #W694344

Licensed in FL, TX, GA, NC, MN
ASCAA # 10952837

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